Baby Stepping to a Worry-Free Lawn Mowing

No one can be a master at one thing overnight. Babies for example follow a normal learning curve. The same is true when we learn lawn mowing. There is no short-cut. One starts from the basic and progress to learn the complex parts. When you don’t get it the first time, do not frown. The first thing you’ll have to do is to see mowing with a different set of eyes. Mowing is easy particularly because it doesn’t require knowledge of rocket science or need herculean strength. There are only 3 things that you need: a lawn mower, a good amount of patience and a well-founded understanding of lawn mowing. We’ll get to them one at a time.

A good lawn mower I can recommend is the Bosch Rotak 34 lawn mower. This is a ride-on mower. Such a mower variety works wonderful for large lawns. It also has a unique combing system that will clean up all the grass clippings. It is most liked for its efficient cutting results and quick-charge batteries.

If your lawn however is about 500 square feet, which is considered small by industry standards, a reel lawn mower would do it good. For medium-sized lawns, mowers which have powered motors are best employed. You may choose between electric mowers or gasoline powered mowers. Powered mowers may also have grass bags as its accessory.

Now before you jump into mowing, check your mower and lawn first. For the mower, ascertain that there aren’t any clogs along the blades. Its moving parts must move smoothly otherwise apply oil to decrease too much friction and/or avoid rusting. Survey your lawn. Make sure that there aren’t any dangerous obstacles that your mower might get entangled with. Watch out that you don’t run into surface pipes and mounds of earth.

To save time, mow with a certain pattern at the right speed. Never mow in random direction and at changing speed. Your mower must move at walking speed. This will guarantee an even trim that avoids possible clogging.

Before stowing your mower away, make sure that the mower is free from debris and stuck grass clippings. Rinsing with water should clean it well. For electric and gasoline powered mowers, it is recommended that you follow its unique cleaning option found in the manual.

Every one experience apprehension when they do things the first time. Just like any baby, we start from groping to crawling and ultimately will have to face our first few baby steps. Falling back on our bottoms might bring us to tears but by being prepared with tools, patience and willing spirit one can move beyond expectations. So why not take that baby step using what you’ve learned here?

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